SISTEMAS DE CONTROL SVES PARA PILA BOP DE SUPERFICIE entregados a un cliente de ultramar

2024-04-07 10:00

CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR SURFACE-MOUNTED BOP STACKCONTROL SYSTEMSControl SystemsThe CONTROL SYSTEMS FOR SURFACE-MOUNTED BOP STACK is an important equipment for controlling the wellhead blowout preventer group, hydraulic throttle valve and kill valve, and it is an indispensable device in drilling and operation.


The remote console is equipped with two independent power sources. Depending on the configuration, different displacement of electric oil pump, pneumatic oil pump or manual oil pump is available. The accumulator group is designed to meet the control requirements of closing the entire BOP group and opening the hydraulic valve. Accumulator systems are designed to lose no more than 25% of their total capacity when one or a group of accumulators fails and are available with ASME inspection marks. The control device with the gas manual pressure regulator has a remote pneumatic pressure regulation function, when the gas source suddenly fails, the control pressure can be automatically restored to the initial setting value. The remote console has a backup pressure source interface on the control manifold, which can introduce a pressure source when needed. A nitrogen backup system can be provided on demand to provide emergency auxiliary energy to the control manifold. When the accumulator and/or pump unit cannot provide sufficient power fluid to the control manifold, a nitrogen backup system can be used to provide high pressure gas to the manifold to shut down the BOP. The nitrogen backup system also provides an emergency air supply to the drill floor and auxiliary control console in case of emergency.


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